Audra Bursae found her love for nutrition and wellness while in college at Sarah Lawrence. After struggling with an eating disorder and extremely low self-esteem, Audra sought out help and began her journey toward recovery and self-healing. Through self-work (with an amazing team of professionals), she began to understand how important loving oneself is and that food is not something to be feared, but celebrated. She changed Majors from Psychology to Nutrition and Naturopathy so that she could help others find food freedom and self-acceptance. During this journey, she also fell in love with Pilates and yoga and became certified in both. Audra is a Certified Authentic Pilates instructor through Romana’s Pilates and is a registered Yoga Instructor with over 1000 hours of training from Yoga Synthesis and Maty Ezraty. Audra’s nutrition practice specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating, women’s health, and childhood/adolescent nutrition.
She has created a space that incorporates all of these components, a one-stop-shop wellness center, so that others can find their own strength and heal their relationship with food and their bodies. This has brought her to her current practice - a space for people to love themselves and to get rid of the diet dogma that plagues our society.
Audra Bursae found her love for nutrition and wellness while in college at Sarah Lawrence. After struggling for years with disordered eating patterns and extremely low self-esteem, Audra sought out help and began her journey toward recovery and self-healing. After immense self-work (with an amazing team of professionals), she began to understand how healing food is and how important loving oneself is in the process. She changed Majors from Psychology to Holistic Nutrition and Naturopathy so that she could help others find food freedom and self-acceptance. During this journey, she also fell in love with Pilates and yoga and became certified in both, as she found external strength gave her internal strength and an extreme appreciation for all that the body is capable of.

"She transformed my body and elevated my spirit. I started seeing her for pilates seven years ago, during a very challenging time in my life. I was hooked immediately. I felt lighter, energized, and happier when I left."
A Perk of Working With Nourish Mind + Body
You will immediately feel comfortable and know that I am here to help you achieve your goals. Whatever you need to achieve, we will get there together.